Hydrogen Refueling Station
Refuelling equipment
A refuelling system basically consists of the supply unit (electrolysis, storage), a high-pressure compressor, high-pressure storage, a refrigeration system and the gas pump (dispenser). High-pressure compressors and accumulators are housed in a container. The other parts of the system are designed as stand-alone units. The hydrogen can be delivered in gaseous form and stored on site or produced directly at the gas station using electrolysis. The supply storage is controlled by the MAX-Flow-tech connection cabinet. The patented MAX-Compression (high pressure compressor) with the associated drive MAX-Power (hydro) takes over the pressure increase. After compression, the gas is filled in high-pressure storage. Before the vehicle is refuelled, the gas is cooled to the required starting temperature by the MAX-Chill (refrigeration system). The vehicles are refuelled according to their type (cars / trucks) on the side of the petrol pump intended for this purpose.