Understanding our avoided CO2 emissions simulator

April 12, 2023

This simulator is designed to provide you with initial inputs for assessing the decarbonization of your business. It does not necessarily reflect specific situations and uses standard data provided by various bodies. It has been created using estimates published to date. If you would like more details, please contact us.

Here are a few details on how the simulator was developed:

Scope of calculation for avoided CO2

In calculating avoided CO2 emissions, we consider that the hydrogen used is Lhyfe hydrogen, which is 100% renewable hydrogen produced via the electrolysis of water using a 100% renewable energy mix. Our calculation is based on tank-to-wheel emissions, or in other words, those produced from running the vehicle. For this, we use the reference data of the French energy and environment agency, Ademe.

A calculation covering the complete life cycle, including the emissions involved in manufacturing the vehicle and managing its end of life, producing the fuel, and running the vehicle would be more accurate. However, studies to produce such an assessment are lacking so far. The Carbone 4 study is the only one available to date, but it only provides data for a few vehicle types.

It is important to note, however, that the more intensively a vehicle is used, the more the carbon footprint of its manufacturing process is amortized. Therefore, our calculation uses an average value.

The greatest contributor to the carbon footprint is the manufacturing of the vehicle and the battery. One avenue being studied to improve the carbon footprint of battery manufacturing is to manufacture these batteries in countries where electricity is low in carbon.

Calculating range and charging time

We regularly exchange with our manufacturer partners and monitor developments in the ranges of hydrogen vehicles as a basis for our calculation.

If you are a manufacturer of hydrogen vehicles and would like to discuss these figures with us, please contact us!

What is a hydrogen car? A comprehensive guide to hydrogen-powered vehicles
What is a hydrogen car? A comprehensive guide to hydrogen-powered vehicles

Hydrogen cars, an alternative to conventional gasoline and electric vehicles, offer a promising solution for sustainable transportation. This comprehensive guide explores the ins and outs of hydrogen cars, their advantages, and potential challenges.

What is a Hydrogen Car?

A hydrogen car, also known as a hydrogen-powered car or hydrogen-fueled vehicle, uses hydrogen as its primary fuel source. These vehicles rely on fuel cells to convert hydrogen into electricity, which powers the electric motor to drive the car.

How Hydrogen Cars Work

Hydrogen cars employ a fuel cell system that combines hydrogen with oxygen from the air. This reaction generates electricity and water vapor, powering the vehicle without producing harmful emissions.

Hydrogen Car Advantages

Key benefits of hydrogen cars include:

  • Zero harmful emissions: The only byproduct is water vapor
  • Fast refueling: Takes about 3-5 minutes, similar to gasoline vehicles
  • Long driving range: Up to 300-400 miles on a full tank
  • High energy density: Hydrogen contains more energy per unit mass than traditional fuels

Hydrogen Car Disadvantages

Some challenges associated with hydrogen cars are:

  • Limited availability: Fewer models compared to gasoline and electric vehicles
  • High costs: Expensive fuel cell technology and hydrogen production
  • Fueling infrastructure: Limited number of hydrogen refueling stations
  • Energy inefficiency: Losses in hydrogen production, storage, and conversion

Hydrogen Car Safety

Hydrogen cars undergo stringent safety testing, addressing concerns such as:

  • Hydrogen storage: High-pressure tanks designed to withstand impact and puncture
  • Leak detection: Advanced sensors to detect and address hydrogen leaks
  • Fire prevention: Flame arrestors and pressure relief systems for controlled venting

Hydrogen Fuel Production and Storage

Hydrogen fuel can be produced through several methods, including:

  • Steam methane reforming: Extracting hydrogen from natural gas
  • Electrolysis: Splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen using electricity

Storage methods include high-pressure tanks, liquid hydrogen, and solid-state storage.

Hydrogen Fueling Stations

While the number of hydrogen fueling stations is growing, availability remains limited compared to gasoline and electric charging stations. Expansion efforts are underway, focusing on regions with a higher concentration of hydrogen cars.

Major Hydrogen Car Manufacturers

Several automotive manufacturers have released hydrogen car models, including:

  • Toyota: Mirai
  • Honda: Clarity Fuel Cell
  • Hyundai: Nexo

Hydrogen Cars vs. Electric Vehicles

While both hydrogen cars and electric vehicles produce zero emissions, they differ in key aspects such as:

  • Energy source: Hydrogen cars use fuel cells, while electric vehicles rely on batteries
  • Refueling time: Hydrogen cars refuel faster, but electric vehicles have more charging stations
  • Efficiency: Electric vehicles are generally more energy-efficient than hydrogen cars

Environmental Impact of Hydrogen Cars

Hydrogen cars have a positive environmental impact as they produce zero harmful emissions. However, the overall impact depends on the methods used for hydrogen production, transportation, and storage. Cleaner production methods, such as electrolysis using renewable energy, can further enhance their eco-friendliness.

The Future of Hydrogen Cars

The future of hydrogen cars looks promising, with ongoing advancements in fuel cell technology, infrastructure expansion, and government support. As production costs decrease and performance improves, hydrogen cars may become a more viable option for mainstream adoption.

Government Policies and Incentives

Many governments offer incentives for hydrogen car adoption, including tax credits, grants, and rebates. Additionally, public-private partnerships are being established to expand the hydrogen infrastructure and support research and development.


Hydrogen cars offer an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional gasoline and electric vehicles. As technology advances and infrastructure expands, they hold the potential to play a significant role in achieving sustainable transportation.


Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Energy Association - Fuel Cell Basics

View all hydrogen cars on Lhyfe Heroes

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What is a hydrogen engine? A comprehensive guide to hydrogen-powered technology
What is a hydrogen engine? A comprehensive guide to hydrogen-powered technology

As global concerns about climate change and environmental pollution grow, the search for sustainable and eco-friendly energy sources has intensified. One such alternative is the hydrogen engine, which uses hydrogen as a clean fuel source for generating power. This article delves into the concept of hydrogen engines, their types, advantages, challenges, and applications.

Types of Hydrogen Engines

There are two primary types of hydrogen engines: hydrogen internal combustion engines (HICE) and hydrogen fuel cell engines. Each type has its unique characteristics and applications.

Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engines (HICE)

Hydrogen internal combustion engines operate similarly to traditional gasoline or diesel engines. However, instead of using fossil fuels, they combust hydrogen to generate power. These engines can be adapted from existing internal combustion engines, making them an attractive option for transitioning to a cleaner energy source.

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Engines

Hydrogen fuel cell engines use fuel cells to convert hydrogen and oxygen into electricity, which then powers an electric motor. Unlike HICE, fuel cell engines do not involve combustion, making them more efficient and environmentally friendly.

How Hydrogen Engines Work

The functioning of hydrogen engines varies depending on the type of engine being used.

Hydrogen Combustion Process

In a hydrogen internal combustion engine, hydrogen is mixed with air and compressed in the engine's cylinders. A spark plug then ignites the mixture, causing a controlled explosion that generates mechanical power. This power is used to drive the engine's pistons and ultimately power the vehicle or device.

Hydrogen Fuel Cells Process

In a hydrogen fuel cell engine, hydrogen and oxygen are introduced into the fuel cell, where an electrochemical reaction occurs. This reaction produces electricity, water, and heat. The generated electricity powers the electric motor, while the water and heat are expelled as harmless byproducts.

Advantages of Hydrogen Engines

Hydrogen engines offer several benefits over conventional internal combustion engines, including:

  1. Reduced greenhouse gas emissions: Since hydrogen engines produce water and heat as their primary byproducts, they contribute far fewer greenhouse gas emissions than fossil fuel-based engines.
  2. Improved energy efficiency: Hydrogen engines, particularly fuel cell engines, have higher energy conversion efficiencies than internal combustion engines, resulting in better overall performance and lower fuel consumption.
  3. Renewable fuel source: Hydrogen can be produced from various renewable sources, such as water electrolysis, making it a sustainable energy option.

Challenges and Limitations

Despite their advantages, hydrogen engines face some challenges and limitations, including:

  1. High costs: Developing and producing hydrogen engines can be expensive, particularly for fuel cell engines, which require costly materials like platinum as catalysts.
  2. Limited infrastructure: Hydrogen refueling stations are scarce compared to gasoline stations, making widespread adoption of hydrogen engines more challenging.
  3. Storage and transportation: Hydrogen storage and transportation present significant obstacles due to its low energy density and the need for high-pressure containers or cryogenic storage.

Applications of Hydrogen Engines

Hydrogen engines are being implemented across various sectors, including:


Automakers are increasingly exploring hydrogen engines for vehicles, such as passenger cars, buses, and trucks. Companies like Toyota, Hyundai, and Honda have introduced hydrogen-powered vehicles, while others continue to develop new models.

Stationary Power Generation

Hydrogen engines can also be used for stationary power generation, providing backup power to buildings or remote locations. They offer a clean, reliable, and efficient energy solution, particularly in areas with limited access to grid electricity.

Aerospace and Aviation

The aerospace and aviation industries are researching hydrogen engines as an alternative to conventional jet engines. Several companies are developing hydrogen-powered aircraft, aiming to reduce emissions and increase efficiency in air travel.

Future Prospects and Developments

The demand for clean and sustainable energy sources is expected to grow, and hydrogen engines will likely play a significant role. Ongoing research and development efforts aim to improve the efficiency, affordability, and infrastructure of hydrogen engines, making them more accessible and widespread.


Hydrogen engines offer a promising alternative to traditional internal combustion engines, with the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reliance on fossil fuels. While challenges remain, continued advancements in hydrogen engine technology and infrastructure could pave the way for a more sustainable and eco-friendly future.

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Green hydrogen production: from the creation of the molecule to its use
Green hydrogen production: from the creation of the molecule to its use

From the production of hydrogen by extraction to the use of the molecule… Lhyfe, producer of green hydrogen, explains everything about the life cycle of renewable hydrogen as it is manufactured by Lhyfe.

What are the stages of renewable hydrogen production?

Here are the three stages of Lhyfe renewable hydrogen production. Lhyfe’s production units produce without any CO2 emissions (as opposed to carbonated hydrogen):

Electrolysis of water

Hydrogen is produced from water from rivers, the ocean, rain, or leachate. Electrolysis is a process that splits the chemical bonds of H2O molecules. It is done using renewable energy. During this process, oxygen is released into the air. On the other hand, there is no carbon dioxide (CO2) emission.

Hydrogen (H2) compression

This process reduces the volume of hydrogen and increases the pressure.

Hydrogen purification

In this step, the remaining traces of oxygen (O2) and water (H2O) are removed.

How is renewable hydrogen transported? For what purposes?

Hydrogen can be stored in containers outside the plant. It is then transported by truck. The hydrogen produced can then be used for :

  • Transportation: The hydrogen that has been produced can power hydrogen vehicles. These vehicles, therefore, release zero CO2 emissions when driven.
  • Industry: delivered hydrogen can also be used to power factories (in small quantities)

When used for industry, in massive quantities, hydrogen can be transported directly through a pipe connection. This allows the factory to be supplied for the following uses:

  • lass
  • steel
  • food manufacturing
  • plastics

Lhyfe’s hydrogen production is made from renewable energy. That's why we call it green. This is an effective way to decarbonize your business!

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