Green hydrogen production: from the creation of the molecule to its use

April 12, 2023

From the production of hydrogen by extraction to the use of the molecule… Lhyfe, producer of green hydrogen, explains everything about the life cycle of renewable hydrogen as it is manufactured by Lhyfe.

What are the stages of renewable hydrogen production?

Here are the three stages of Lhyfe renewable hydrogen production. Lhyfe’s production units produce without any CO2 emissions (as opposed to carbonated hydrogen):

Electrolysis of water

Hydrogen is produced from water from rivers, the ocean, rain, or leachate. Electrolysis is a process that splits the chemical bonds of H2O molecules. It is done using renewable energy. During this process, oxygen is released into the air. On the other hand, there is no carbon dioxide (CO2) emission.

Hydrogen (H2) compression

This process reduces the volume of hydrogen and increases the pressure.

Hydrogen purification

In this step, the remaining traces of oxygen (O2) and water (H2O) are removed.

How is renewable hydrogen transported? For what purposes?

Hydrogen can be stored in containers outside the plant. It is then transported by truck. The hydrogen produced can then be used for :

  • Transportation: The hydrogen that has been produced can power hydrogen vehicles. These vehicles, therefore, release zero CO2 emissions when driven.
  • Industry: delivered hydrogen can also be used to power factories (in small quantities)

When used for industry, in massive quantities, hydrogen can be transported directly through a pipe connection. This allows the factory to be supplied for the following uses:

  • lass
  • steel
  • food manufacturing
  • plastics

Lhyfe’s hydrogen production is made from renewable energy. That's why we call it green. This is an effective way to decarbonize your business!

Understanding our avoided CO2 emissions simulator
Understanding our avoided CO2 emissions simulator

This simulator is designed to provide you with initial inputs for assessing the decarbonization of your business. It does not necessarily reflect specific situations and uses standard data provided by various bodies. It has been created using estimates published to date. If you would like more details, please contact us.

Here are a few details on how the simulator was developed:

Scope of calculation for avoided CO2

In calculating avoided CO2 emissions, we consider that the hydrogen used is Lhyfe hydrogen, which is 100% renewable hydrogen produced via the electrolysis of water using a 100% renewable energy mix. Our calculation is based on tank-to-wheel emissions, or in other words, those produced from running the vehicle. For this, we use the reference data of the French energy and environment agency, Ademe.

A calculation covering the complete life cycle, including the emissions involved in manufacturing the vehicle and managing its end of life, producing the fuel, and running the vehicle would be more accurate. However, studies to produce such an assessment are lacking so far. The Carbone 4 study is the only one available to date, but it only provides data for a few vehicle types.

It is important to note, however, that the more intensively a vehicle is used, the more the carbon footprint of its manufacturing process is amortized. Therefore, our calculation uses an average value.

The greatest contributor to the carbon footprint is the manufacturing of the vehicle and the battery. One avenue being studied to improve the carbon footprint of battery manufacturing is to manufacture these batteries in countries where electricity is low in carbon.

Calculating range and charging time

We regularly exchange with our manufacturer partners and monitor developments in the ranges of hydrogen vehicles as a basis for our calculation.

If you are a manufacturer of hydrogen vehicles and would like to discuss these figures with us, please contact us!

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What is a hydrogen fuel cell? A comprehensive guide
What is a hydrogen fuel cell? A comprehensive guide

Hydrogen fuel cells are a clean and efficient source of energy that have been gaining attention in recent years due to their potential to revolutionize various industries, such as transportation and power generation. In this article, we'll explore the basics of hydrogen fuel cells, how they work, their advantages, limitations, and various applications.

What is a Hydrogen Fuel Cell?

A hydrogen fuel cell is an electrochemical device that converts the chemical energy stored in hydrogen and oxygen into electricity, heat, and water. Unlike traditional combustion engines that burn fossil fuels, hydrogen fuel cells generate electricity without harmful emissions, making them an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional energy sources.

How Does a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Work?

The basic principle behind hydrogen fuel cells is the electrochemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen. There are several types of hydrogen fuel cells, but two of the most common are Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cells and Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC).

Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cells

PEM fuel cells consist of an anode, a cathode, and a proton exchange membrane sandwiched between them. Hydrogen gas is fed to the anode, where it encounters a catalyst, usually made of platinum. The catalyst causes the hydrogen molecules to split into protons and electrons. The protons pass through the proton exchange membrane to the cathode, while the electrons travel through an external circuit, generating electricity. At the cathode, the protons, electrons, and oxygen from the air combine to form water and heat, the only byproducts of the process.

Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC)

SOFCs operate at higher temperatures than PEM fuel cells, typically around 800-1,000°C. They use a solid ceramic electrolyte to transport oxygen ions from the cathode to the anode. At the anode, hydrogen reacts with the oxygen ions, producing water and releasing electrons. These electrons flow through an external circuit, generating electricity.

Advantages of Hydrogen Fuel Cells

  1. Environmentally friendly: Hydrogen fuel cells produce zero greenhouse gas emissions, as their only byproducts are water and heat.
  2. High efficiency: Hydrogen fuel cells are more energy-efficient than traditional combustion engines, as they can convert up to 60% of the energy stored in hydrogen into electricity.
  3. Quiet operation: Unlike combustion engines, hydrogen fuel cells operate quietly, making them suitable for various applications, such as residential power generation.
  4. Fuel flexibility: Some fuel cells can utilize different types of fuels, including natural gas and biogas, in addition to hydrogen.

Challenges and Limitations

  1. High cost: The manufacturing cost of hydrogen fuel cells, especially those using platinum catalysts, can be high.
  2. Hydrogen storage and infrastructure: Storing and transporting hydrogen can be challenging due to its low energy density and the lack of a comprehensive hydrogen infrastructure.
  3. Durability and lifespan: Some fuel cell types may have a limited lifespan due to degradation of components, such as the electrolyte and catalysts.

Applications of Hydrogen Fuel Cells


Hydrogen fuel cells have been widely explored as a clean alternative to conventional internal combustion engines in vehicles. Fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) utilize hydrogen fuel cells to generate electricity, which powers the electric motor. FCEVs have several advantages, such as longer driving ranges and faster refueling times compared to battery electric vehicles.

Stationary Power Generation

Hydrogen fuel cells can be used for stationary power generation in residential, commercial, and industrial settings. They can provide reliable, clean, and efficient power for various applications, such as backup power, grid support, and combined heat and power systems.

Portable Power

Portable hydrogen fuel cells can be used as a lightweight, compact, and clean power source for various devices, such as laptops, smartphones, and other electronics. They are particularly useful in remote or off-grid locations where conventional power sources are not available.

Future Prospects and Developments

As the demand for clean and efficient energy sources grows, hydrogen fuel cells are expected to play a significant role in the global energy landscape. Research and development efforts are focused on improving the performance, durability, and affordability of hydrogen fuel cells. Moreover, investments in hydrogen infrastructure and storage technologies are expected to facilitate the widespread adoption of hydrogen fuel cells across various sectors.


Hydrogen fuel cells offer a promising clean energy solution with a range of applications, from transportation to power generation. While there are challenges to overcome, such as high costs and limited infrastructure, continued research and development could unlock their full potential and contribute to a more sustainable energy future.

View all hydrogen products on Lhyfe Heroes

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What is a hydrogen fuel station?
What is a hydrogen fuel station?

Hydrogen fuel stations, also known as hydrogen refueling stations or H2 stations, are facilities that store and dispense hydrogen gas for use in fuel cell vehicles. These stations play a crucial role in the adoption of hydrogen as a clean, sustainable alternative to fossil fuels for transportation. In this article, we'll explore the different types of hydrogen fuel stations, their key components, the refueling process, safety measures, and the future of hydrogen infrastructure.

Basics of Hydrogen as a Fuel

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe and has the potential to be a clean, renewable fuel source. When used in a fuel cell, hydrogen combines with oxygen to produce electricity, with only water and heat as byproducts. This makes it an attractive alternative to traditional gasoline or diesel fuels, which produce harmful greenhouse gas emissions.

Types of Hydrogen Fuel Stations

There are two primary types of hydrogen fuel stations: gaseous hydrogen stations and liquid hydrogen stations.

Gaseous Hydrogen Stations

Gaseous hydrogen stations store hydrogen gas under high pressure, typically at 350 to 700 bar (5,000 to 10,000 psi). These stations compress the hydrogen, which is then stored in high-pressure tanks before being dispensed to vehicles. Gaseous hydrogen stations are the most common type of hydrogen refueling station.

Liquid Hydrogen Stations

Liquid hydrogen stations store hydrogen in its liquid state at extremely low temperatures (-253°C or -423°F). These stations require more complex equipment and insulation to maintain the hydrogen at such low temperatures, but they offer advantages in terms of storage capacity and refueling speed.

Key Components of a Hydrogen Fuel Station

A hydrogen fuel station typically consists of three main components:

  1. Compressors: Compressors are used to increase the pressure of hydrogen gas, allowing it to be stored efficiently in tanks and dispensed to vehicles.
  2. Storage Tanks: Storage tanks hold hydrogen gas under pressure until it's dispensed to a vehicle. Tanks at hydrogen fuel stations can store hydrogen in either gaseous or liquid form.
  3. Dispensers: Dispensers are the interface between the fuel station and the vehicle. They provide a safe and controlled means of transferring hydrogen from the storage tanks to the vehicle's fuel cell system.

The Hydrogen Refueling Process

Refueling a hydrogen-powered vehicle is similar to refueling a gasoline-powered vehicle. The driver parks near the dispenser, connects the dispenser nozzle to the vehicle's fuel receptacle, and initiates the refueling process. The dispenser then transfers hydrogen from the station's storage tanks to the vehicle's fuel cell system. The entire process usually takes between 3 to 5 minutes, comparable to refueling with gasoline or diesel.

Safety Measures at Hydrogen Fuel Stations

Hydrogen fuel stations employ several safety measures to ensure the safe handling and storage of hydrogen. These measures include:

  1. Leak detection systems that monitor for any potential hydrogen leaks in storage tanks, dispensers, and piping.
  2. 2. Ventilation systems that prevent the build-up of hydrogen gas in the event of a leak.
  1. Emergency shut-off systems that automatically isolate the source of a leak and stop the flow of hydrogen.
  2. Fire suppression systems designed to quickly extinguish any potential fires.
  3. Training for station operators to ensure proper handling and maintenance of hydrogen fueling equipment.

Benefits of Hydrogen Fuel Stations

Hydrogen fuel stations offer several advantages over traditional gasoline and diesel stations, including:

  1. Reduced greenhouse gas emissions: Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles emit only water vapor and heat, significantly reducing transportation-related emissions.
  2. Renewable fuel source: Hydrogen can be produced from a variety of renewable sources, such as water electrolysis powered by solar or wind energy.
  3. Energy security: Hydrogen can be produced domestically, reducing dependence on imported oil.
  4. Fast refueling times: Hydrogen refueling is similar in speed to gasoline refueling, providing a more convenient experience compared to electric vehicle charging.

Challenges in Expanding Hydrogen Fuel Station Infrastructure

Despite the benefits, there are several challenges to expanding hydrogen fuel station infrastructure:

  1. High capital costs: The construction and operation of hydrogen fuel stations require significant investments in equipment and technology.
  2. Limited number of hydrogen-powered vehicles: The current market for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles is relatively small, limiting demand for hydrogen refueling stations.
  3. Competition from electric vehicles: The growth of battery electric vehicles and charging infrastructure may impact the adoption of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

The Future of Hydrogen Fuel Stations

The future of hydrogen fuel stations will likely depend on continued advancements in fuel cell technology, reductions in hydrogen production and storage costs, and increased demand for hydrogen-powered vehicles. As governments and private companies continue to invest in hydrogen infrastructure, the number of hydrogen fuel stations is expected to grow, further supporting the adoption of hydrogen as a sustainable transportation fuel.


Hydrogen fuel stations are a critical component in the shift towards clean, sustainable transportation. As the number of hydrogen-powered vehicles increases, the development of a robust hydrogen fueling infrastructure will be essential. By understanding the different types of hydrogen fuel stations, their key components, and the refueling process, we can better appreciate the potential for hydrogen as a viable alternative to traditional fossil fuels.


U.S. Department of Energy - Hydrogen Fueling Stations

International Energy Agency (IEA) - The Future of Hydrogen

See all hydrogen refueling stations on Lhyfe Heroes

Atawey - Compact XS

McPhy - McFilling 350

McPhy - McFilling XXL

McPhy - McFilling Dual

McPhy - McFilling 20-350  (Starter Kit)

Maximator - Hydrogen Refueling Station

Sera - Hydrogen Refuelling Stations Type M

Sera - Hydrogen Refuelling Stations Type S

Sera - Hydrogen Refuelling Stations Type L

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