Understanding the Basics of Hydrogen Electrolysis

April 21, 2023

Hydrogen electrolysis is an increasingly important topic in the realm of renewable energy and clean technology. As the world shifts away from fossil fuels, hydrogen has emerged as a promising alternative energy source. In this article, we will delve into the fundamentals of hydrogen electrolysis, its various methods, applications, advantages, challenges, and the future outlook.

What is Hydrogen Electrolysis?

Hydrogen electrolysis is a process that generates hydrogen gas (H2) through the electrochemical splitting of water (H2O) into its constituent elements, hydrogen and oxygen. This method of hydrogen production is considered clean and sustainable, as it requires only water and electricity, which can be sourced from renewable energy.

The Electrolysis Process

There are three main types of hydrogen electrolysis: alkaline electrolysis, proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolysis, and solid oxide electrolysis. Each method has its unique characteristics and applications.

Alkaline Electrolysis

Alkaline electrolysis is the most established and widely used method for hydrogen production through electrolysis. In this process, water is split into hydrogen and oxygen using an electrolyte solution, typically potassium hydroxide (KOH) or sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The electrolyte solution conducts electricity between two electrodes (anode and cathode), facilitating the reaction that generates hydrogen gas.

Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Electrolysis

PEM electrolysis, also known as polymer electrolyte membrane electrolysis, uses a solid polymer membrane as the electrolyte. This method offers several advantages over alkaline electrolysis, such as higher efficiency, smaller system size, and a faster response to changing electrical loads. However, PEM electrolysis systems are generally more expensive due to the use of precious metal catalysts, such as platinum.

Solid Oxide Electrolysis

Solid oxide electrolysis, also known as high-temperature electrolysis, utilizes a solid oxide electrolyte to facilitate the water-splitting reaction. This method operates at high temperatures (800°C to 1000°C), which increases the reaction efficiency and reduces the electricity required for the process. Solid oxide electrolysis has the potential to be highly efficient, but it is still in the research and development stage.

Factors Affecting Electrolysis Efficiency

Electrolysis efficiency is influenced by various factors, including:

  1. Temperature: Higher temperatures generally improve the efficiency of the electrolysis process.
  2. Electrolyte concentration: The concentration of the electrolyte solution affects the conductivity and overall efficiency of the process.
  3. Electrode materials: The choice of electrode materials impacts the efficiency and durability of the electrolysis system.
  4. Current density: The amount of current passing through the electrolyte influences the rate of hydrogen production and overall efficiency.

Applications of Hydrogen Electrolysis

Hydrogen produced through electrolysis has numerous applications, such as:

  1. Fuel cells for electricity generation in stationary, portable, and transportation applications.
  2. Energy storage, allowing excess electricity from renewable sources to be stored and used later.
  3. Industrial processes, such as ammonia and methanol production, where hydrogen is a key feedstock.
  4. Metal refining, including steel and aluminum production, which require hydrogen for various processes.
  5. Power-to-gas, where hydrogen is injected into natural gas pipelines to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance energy security.

Advantages of Hydrogen Electrolysis

Some of the main benefits of hydrogen electrolysis include:

  1. Environmental sustainability: As a clean and renewable energy source, hydrogen electrolysis produces zero greenhouse gas emissions.
  2. Energy security: By utilizing locally available resources like water and renewable electricity, hydrogen electrolysis can reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels.
  3. Versatility: Hydrogen produced through electrolysis has a wide range of applications, from energy storage to industrial processes.
  4. Scalability: Electrolysis systems can be designed to fit various scales, from small residential units to large industrial installations.

Challenges and Limitations

Despite its advantages, hydrogen electrolysis faces several challenges:

  1. High capital costs: Electrolysis equipment, particularly PEM and solid oxide systems, can be expensive due to the use of precious metals and advanced materials.
  2. Energy efficiency: Although improving, the overall energy efficiency of electrolysis is lower than other methods of hydrogen production, such as steam methane reforming.
  3. Electrolysis infrastructure: Widespread adoption of hydrogen electrolysis requires the development of a robust infrastructure for hydrogen storage, transportation, and utilization.
  4. Competition with other hydrogen production methods: Electrolysis must compete with more established methods of hydrogen production, like steam methane reforming, which currently dominate the market.

The Future of Hydrogen Electrolysis

As the world increasingly embraces renewable energy sources, hydrogen electrolysis is expected to play a more significant role in the global energy landscape. Ongoing research and development efforts aim to improve the efficiency, scalability, and affordability of electrolysis technologies. Additionally, supportive policies and incentives could accelerate the deployment of electrolysis systems and the establishment of a hydrogen economy.


Hydrogen electrolysis presents a promising pathway for sustainable hydrogen production, with numerous applications in various sectors. While challenges remain, advancements in technology and supportive policies could lead to the widespread adoption of electrolysis, contributing to a cleaner, more sustainable energy future.

See all hydrogen products on Lhyfe Heroes

Green hydrogen production: from the creation of the molecule to its use
Green hydrogen production: from the creation of the molecule to its use

From the production of hydrogen by extraction to the use of the molecule… Lhyfe, producer of green hydrogen, explains everything about the life cycle of renewable hydrogen as it is manufactured by Lhyfe.

What are the stages of renewable hydrogen production?

Here are the three stages of Lhyfe renewable hydrogen production. Lhyfe’s production units produce without any CO2 emissions (as opposed to carbonated hydrogen):

Electrolysis of water

Hydrogen is produced from water from rivers, the ocean, rain, or leachate. Electrolysis is a process that splits the chemical bonds of H2O molecules. It is done using renewable energy. During this process, oxygen is released into the air. On the other hand, there is no carbon dioxide (CO2) emission.

Hydrogen (H2) compression

This process reduces the volume of hydrogen and increases the pressure.

Hydrogen purification

In this step, the remaining traces of oxygen (O2) and water (H2O) are removed.

How is renewable hydrogen transported? For what purposes?

Hydrogen can be stored in containers outside the plant. It is then transported by truck. The hydrogen produced can then be used for :

  • Transportation: The hydrogen that has been produced can power hydrogen vehicles. These vehicles, therefore, release zero CO2 emissions when driven.
  • Industry: delivered hydrogen can also be used to power factories (in small quantities)

When used for industry, in massive quantities, hydrogen can be transported directly through a pipe connection. This allows the factory to be supplied for the following uses:

  • lass
  • steel
  • food manufacturing
  • plastics

Lhyfe’s hydrogen production is made from renewable energy. That's why we call it green. This is an effective way to decarbonize your business!

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Understanding Hydrogen Electrolyzers
Understanding Hydrogen Electrolyzers

The quest for clean and sustainable energy sources has led to an increased interest in hydrogen as a potential energy carrier. Hydrogen electrolyzers play a vital role in the production of green hydrogen by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen using electricity. This article delves into the world of hydrogen electrolyzers, exploring their types, key components, functionality, applications, and future prospects.

What is a Hydrogen Electrolyzer?

A hydrogen electrolyzer is a device that converts water and electrical energy into hydrogen gas and oxygen through the process of electrolysis. The produced hydrogen can be used as a clean energy source in various applications, such as fuel cells, transportation, and industrial processes.

Types of Hydrogen Electrolyzers

There are three main types of hydrogen electrolyzers: alkaline electrolyzers, proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzers, and solid oxide electrolyzers. Each type has its unique characteristics and advantages.

Alkaline Electrolyzers

Alkaline electrolyzers are the most established and widely-used technology for hydrogen production. These electrolyzers use an alkaline solution as the electrolyte, typically consisting of potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide. Alkaline electrolyzers are known for their durability and relatively low cost but operate at a lower efficiency compared to other types of electrolyzers.

Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Electrolyzers

PEM electrolyzers utilize a solid polymer electrolyte, known as a proton exchange membrane, which allows only positively charged hydrogen ions to pass through. These electrolyzers offer high efficiency, fast response times, and compact design, making them ideal for integration with renewable energy sources like solar and wind power. However, PEM electrolyzers are more expensive than their alkaline counterparts due to the use of precious metals, such as platinum, in their catalysts.

Solid Oxide Electrolyzers

Solid oxide electrolyzers employ a solid ceramic material as the electrolyte, which conducts oxygen ions at high temperatures (typically around 800-1000°C). These electrolyzers can achieve very high efficiency and can be directly integrated with thermal energy sources, like concentrated solar power or waste heat from industrial processes. The main drawbacks of solid oxide electrolyzers are their high operating temperatures and slower response times compared to PEM electrolyzers.

Key Components of a Hydrogen Electrolyzer

A typical hydrogen electrolyzer consists of several key components, including:

  1. Electrolyte: The medium that conducts ions between the electrodes, either in liquid or solid form.
  2. Anode and cathode: The positive and negative electrodes where the electrochemical reactions occur.
  3. Catalyst: A material that accelerates the reaction rate without being consumed.
  4. Separator: A component that prevents the mixing of hydrogen and oxygen gases produced at the electrodes.
  5. Power supply: A source of electrical energy required for the electrolysis process.

How Does a Hydrogen Electrolyzer Work?

In a hydrogen electrolyzer, water is introduced to the anode, where it undergoes an oxidation reaction, releasing oxygen gas and hydrogen ions. The hydrogen ions then travel through the electrolyte towards the cathode. At the cathode, a reduction reaction occurs, combining the hydrogen ions with electrons to produce hydrogen gas. The oxygen and hydrogen gases are collected separately and can be stored or used as needed.

Efficiency and Performance Factors

The efficiency of a hydrogen electrolyzer is primarily determined by the energy required to split water molecules, the voltage efficiency, and the Faraday efficiency. Voltage efficiency refers to the ratio of the minimum theoretical voltage needed for electrolysis to the actual operating voltage of the electrolyzer. Faraday efficiency, on the other hand, is the proportion of electrical charge used in the production of hydrogen compared to the total charge supplied.

Other factors that influence the performance of hydrogen electrolyzers include temperature, pressure, and the concentration of the electrolyte. Operating at higher temperatures and pressures can improve the efficiency of the electrolysis process. However, these conditions also pose technical challenges and may require additional equipment and maintenance.

Applications of Hydrogen Electrolyzers

Hydrogen electrolyzers have numerous applications, including:

  1. Energy storage: Storing excess electricity produced by renewable energy sources as hydrogen gas, which can later be converted back into electricity using fuel cells or turbines.
  2. Transportation: Producing hydrogen fuel for hydrogen-powered vehicles, such as cars, buses, and trucks.
  3. Industry: Generating hydrogen for use in various industrial processes, like ammonia production, metal refining, and semiconductor manufacturing.
  4. Power-to-gas: Injecting hydrogen into natural gas grids to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve the sustainability of the energy system.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite the potential benefits of hydrogen electrolyzers, several challenges need to be addressed to facilitate widespread adoption. These include reducing the capital and operational costs, improving the efficiency and durability of the electrolyzers, and integrating them effectively with renewable energy sources. Additionally, the development of hydrogen infrastructure, such as storage and distribution systems, is essential to fully realize the potential of hydrogen as an energy carrier.

The Future of Hydrogen Electrolyzers

With growing concerns about climate change and the need for clean energy solutions, the demand for hydrogen electrolyzers is expected to increase. Advancements in materials science, electrochemistry, and manufacturing techniques are likely to improve the efficiency, durability, and affordability of hydrogen electrolyzers in the coming years. Moreover, the integration of hydrogen electrolyzers with renewable energy systems will play a crucial role in establishing a sustainable hydrogen economy.


Hydrogen electrolyzers are a promising technology for producing clean hydrogen from water and electricity. With ongoing research and development, they have the potential to become a key component of a sustainable energy system. As the technology continues to evolve, hydrogen electrolyzers will play an increasingly important role in addressing global energy challenges and facilitating the transition to a low-carbon future.

See all hydrogen products on Lhyfe Heroes

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The emergence of zero-emissions generators
The emergence of zero-emissions generators

With CO2 emissions of 1.27 kg per kWh and a noise level that can be over 70 dB, diesel-powered generators don’t have a great image these days. The time has come to switch to clean alternative solutions to answer climate and public health challenges.

Where are generators used?

Generators or gensets are mainly used to supply electricity to sites or machines that cannot be connected to the grid (isolated sites, construction sites, festivals, port areas, etc.). Emergency generators can also be used to ensure the continuity of power in the event of a local network failure, in hospitals, industry, IT centres, etc.

Why use renewable hydrogen for generator sets?

For several years now, renewable hydrogen has been providing a solution for manufacturers and generator users wishing to take part in the energy transition. New green gensets integrating hydrogen fuel cells are emerging and have the following advantages:

• Zero emissions: A generator set powered by renewable hydrogen generates only electricity and water and therefore produces no greenhouse gas emissions.
• Silence is golden: As well as eliminating diesel odours, hydrogen generators are quiet and thus contribute to the well-being of local residents and workers.

Where can green generators play a role?

The advantages in terms of CO2 emissions and noise make green generators ideal for port areas, the construction industry or events in search of carbon-free and silent solutions to protect the planet and the health of employees.

Hydrogen generators also have a card to play in places where using a diesel generator is not possible, such as in confined environments, areas with a high risk or near flammable materials.

Companies developing hydrogen generators

Several companies have already knuckled down to bringing the benefits of renewable hydrogen to generator technology. One of these is PowiDian, a French SME which launched MobHyl Power, a mobile electric generator using a hydrogen fuel cell, in 2018. Providing 30 kW of power, it is perfectly suited to the construction industry and has already won over Vinci.

H2SYS also made its entrance on the zero-emission generator scene, with BOXHY, a hydrogen generator targeting lower power needs for the events sector especially.

EODev, set up in 2019, is developing hydrogen gensets initially designed for ships. As a result of their success, many building and events players are now interested in the system. In early 2022, the company planned to manufacture up to 160 land-based generators and 30 on-board hydrogen gensets.

View all hydrogen products on Lhyfe Heroes

Caterpillar - G3516h

EODev - Geh2

H2SYS - Thytan 90

H2SYS - Thytan 150

H2SYS - Boxhy

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